Insurance Licenses & Lines of Authority
Michael and Joann Quinn are the designated responsible producers for REMEDIGAP. Michael Quinn, Joann Quinn or REMEDIGAP are not licensed to sell insurance outside of the USA.
All agents who work for REMEDIGAP have individual producer licenses in the states they service. You may ask your REMEDIGAP agent for their license number at any time. At the same time, you may also utilize each state’s Department of Insurance producer licensing lookup tool.
Michael Quinn and Joann Quinn are the cofounders of REMEDIGAP. Michael’s national producer number is 16675965 and Joann’s national producer number is 16895115. Below are their producer licenses for all the jurisdictions where they are licensed.
- Alabama
- 658744
- 3000909439
- Alaska
- 100182914
- Arizona
- 16895115
- 16675965
- Arkansas
- 16895115
- 16675965
- California
- 0L92969
- 0K02619
- Colorado
- 754760
- 525033
- Connecticut
- 16675965
- Delaware
- 1378317
- District of Columbia
- 3000100534
- Florida
- W131670
- W099259
- Georgia
- 3217418
- 3025937
- Hawaii
- Idaho
- 16675965
- Illinois
- 16895115
- 16675965
- Indiana
- 3312761
- 3321425
- Iowa
- 16895115
- 16675965
- Kansas
- 16895115
- 16675965
- Kentucky
- DOI-805911
- Louisiana
- 943958
- 639918
- Maine
- PRN298635
- Maryland
- 2177426
- 3000071146
- Massachusetts
- 16675965
- Michigan
- 16895115
- 16675965
- Minnesota
- 40468282
- Mississippi
- 10381676
- Missouri
- 8394180
- 8422840
- Montana
- 3000048524
- Nebraska
- 16895115
- 16675965
- Nevada
- 3122860
- 3446491
- New Hampshire
- 16675965
- New Jersey
- 1630168
- 1644163
- New Mexico
- 16675965
- New York
- LA-1437290
- North Carolina
- 16895115
- 16675965
- North Dakota
- 16895115
- Ohio
- 1086905
- 1063621
- Oklahoma
- 100286760
- 3000376534
- Oregon
- 16895115
- 16675965
- Pennsylvania
- 911032
- 686044
- Rhode Island
- 3000326473
- 3000945685
- South Carolina
- 16895115
- 16675965
- South Dakota
- 40465838
- Tennessee
- 2320559
- 2388669
- Texas
- 1964933
- 2071931
- Utah
- 582101
- Vermont
- 3580448
- Virginia
- 910772
- 1008797
- Washington
- 934552
- West Virginia
- 16895115
- 16675965
- Wisconsin
- 16895115
- Wyoming
- 383181
- 319415
Should you have additional questions about licensing, contact us at our headquarters at 1-888-411-1329.